Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Lab - Census 2000, Population maps


This map shows the distribution of Asian population across United States. It can be clearly seen  that almost 90% of United States has less than 1% Asian population. Most of the Asian people are concentrated in big industrial cities, so I had to be very careful while creating the color boundaries. There are 6 color classes that carefully separate 0% - 20% from 20% - 46% with different colors to emphasis on population above 9%.

This map shows the distribution of Black population across US.  This map clearly shows that almost 30% of United States has is heavily populated with African - American people. Most of them are concentrated in South - East part of U. S., so I had to be really careful while creating the color boundaries. There are 6 classes that carefully separate 0% - 30% from 30% - 90% with continuous gradient colors to emphasis on population above 30%.

This map here shows the distribution of Native American population across United States. This map clearly shows that the South part of mid - West of United States is heavily populated with Native American people. There 6 color classes that carefully separate 0% - 40% from 40% - 99%. There is also a big concentration of them in the state of Alaska, but it is not showing clearly on this map (the map is supposed to show the continental U. S.).

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